



Kids Story "My Nanny "

Today I am telling a story  "My Nanny".
My nanny is not like other nannies.
She eats  fry chicken and drinks from cans.
She does things annoy my mum like blowing bright - pink bubble gum.
While other nannies knit socks and jumpers, my nanny likes to drive big dumpers.
Some nannies dress up in gloves and suits.
Mine wears hard hats and welly boots.
Other nannies have dogs or cats, but my nanny has fifteen pet rats!
Some nannies teach budgies how to talk-mine takes her rats out for a walk.
Most nannies like gentle like golf.
My nanny is out there scoring goals.
When you're at your nanny for tea , do you have fun as me?
Your nanny can surely bake a cake, but mine knows how to charm a snake.
Some nannies go to evening classes, catch the bus with cheap bus passes.
But my nanny says the bus is slow motorbike can really go!

When your nanny takes you to the park, she gets you home before it's  dark.
She helps you reach the monkey rings and doesn't stay out on the swings
Some nannies have hobbies like brass-rubbing.
But my nanny likes to go out clubbing.

She loves the music very loud, and lets her hair down in a crowd.
When other nannies sit down to rest, mine goes to take her flying test.
She loops the loop and spins around while we stand watching  from the ground.
Your nanny may give you sample treats like lollipops and bags of sweets.

She takes  you shopping in the sales, while mine takes me out watching whales!
While other nannies are watching soaps, my nanny is learning to climb ropes.
some nannies  have problems with their knees, but my nanny swings from a trapeze.
No other nanny are like my nanny -they  can't do half the things she can.
but I would never swap my nanny , because …  I am her biggest fan!


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